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Net Price Calculator

Student Bio

Welcome to the Lycoming College Net Price Calculator! Please answer the questions below about the student to the best of your ability. To complete this calculator you will be required to provide financial information for both student and parent(s). If you have any questions regarding this calculator, please feel free to contact our Financial Aid Office at or 800-345-3920. Please complete the Name, Address, and Email fields to receive personalized information from Lycoming.

Depending on your unique situation, you may or may not qualify as an independent student for the purpose of federal financial aid. Please see this document for more information.

Is the student a transfer student?
What is the student's date of birth? (mm/dd/yyyy)
What is the student's current grade level?
What is the student's intended college start date?
Is the student married?
Does the student have dependent children?
Do you intend to apply for financial aid?
Is the Student Aid Index (SAI) amount known? Click for additional information about EFC
What is the Student Aid Index (SAI) amount?
Will the student live in an Lycoming College residence hall?